If you think 3x5 works, fair enough
3x5 did work for me for four months of Linear Progression with squat, press and DL
Press stalled so introduced bench
Ran ultra which knocked everything back.
Early December 120kg Deadlift was stuck to the floor. So a change to a mixed intermediate three day rolling plan across my two training days.
It has 4x5 in it, but that's not there to drive the strength gain
SS and SL5x5 are fairly simillar but I beleive SS aims for maximum strength whilst 5x5 sacrifices some outright strength for a simple to use app and ending up being Cross Fit fit.
Ive only previewed the Starting Strength app, as I have a coach and log book. The first sets of 5 shown in the app are probably warmup sets. But I think you can program what you want to allow intermediate and advanced program flexibility...
3x5 is the goto volume and the norm untill Linear Progression stalls
5x3 allows the intensity to keep going up at more challenging weights whilst keeping the same volume.
Or 1x5 plus 2x5 @85%
3x3 allows moderate stress at high intensity for ladies and me being as my revovery is crap from high stress 😂
But thats coupled with volume days of 3x5 @85%
Simple Hard Effective-
Simple. A few lifts that use the most muscles over the greatest range of motion
Hard. You always add intensity to each max lift as you adapt.
Effective. Minimise the gym time/work by focusing on form and intensity
I've just started to outlift the ladies, so yeah the stronger lads weights are rather frightening.
155kg squats for 3x5 looked to be emotional 😣