Here mine after completing festive500, pretty much a broken bike now and a display on top of my drawers. Unfortunately the isn't a new Canyon that I'm madly in love with that makes me want to upgrade this bike atm, though the idea of disc brakes is very appealing especially with the current braking issues i have on this bike atm.
The plan for this bike is get restore/upgrade it slowly so it would be ready for the spring/summer season of 2019, which are the following:
New rims (most likely from LBR)
New tyres (both has cuts in them which the inner tubes are poking through) most likely going to be tubeless or put sealant in the tubes to prevent so many punctures.
Inline seatpost and carbon bars (from pro vibe) to be it matchymatchy
And fresh new tape, chain, cassette and most likely chainrings to keep on old gal running smoothly for the new couple of years.
Here mine after completing festive500, pretty much a broken bike now and a display on top of my drawers. Unfortunately the isn't a new Canyon that I'm madly in love with that makes me want to upgrade this bike atm, though the idea of disc brakes is very appealing especially with the current braking issues i have on this bike atm.
The plan for this bike is get restore/upgrade it slowly so it would be ready for the spring/summer season of 2019, which are the following: