2018 was my first year of running as my free time / cycling mojo evaporated. Did a few 5ks at the start of summer and then stopped for a few months. Picked it up again in October, & signed up for a half marathon in Feb that I'd like to go sub-2 at. Currently 70% through a 'Festive 50' which is probably a bit silly but I've only got 13km left to do so will battle through.
20 minute 5k would be nice next year, and I want to get comfortable enough at longer runs to be able to enjoy/explore the countryside around me.
2018 was my first year of running as my free time / cycling mojo evaporated. Did a few 5ks at the start of summer and then stopped for a few months. Picked it up again in October, & signed up for a half marathon in Feb that I'd like to go sub-2 at. Currently 70% through a 'Festive 50' which is probably a bit silly but I've only got 13km left to do so will battle through.
20 minute 5k would be nice next year, and I want to get comfortable enough at longer runs to be able to enjoy/explore the countryside around me.