• #2
Dimi, WWF put together some good stuff on the subject here http://palmoilscorecard.panda.org/
You can find information on manufacturers and the percentage of their products that use sustainable palm.
Any other crop will mean more land is required for the same amount of oil, given palm oil’s high yield versus alternatives. So it’s the right product in many people’s opinion, but it’s the unsustainable nature in which it’s farmed that is the issue.
Edit: I’m not saying that our reliance on palm oil is okay.
• #3
I am always asking why so many products are jam packed with a million different ingredients? Make the same things in your own home with a third of the products and they taste better too.
• #4
I thought I’d spotted quite a few Tesco own brand biscuits were palm oil free. I thought they’d sneaked it in quietly. Might be worth a second look.
Sainsbury’s own brand everything is loaded with the shit, however. I doubt you’ll find anything in the shop.
• #5
Complaining about this is pretty pointless. What are you going to do, create a parallel version of farming where we don’t use oil? Ok pal. Or I suppose if we all stop buying palm oil then the people in the poor countries can starve AND have fucked up ecosystems. Yay?
• #6
You’re an idiot. What a ridiculous statement.
• #7
Well done on just sneaking in for ‘the most ignorant comment of 2018’ award.
• #8
did someone say free biscuits
• #9
I met someone who works with palm oil farmers to try and reduce deforestation. The main problem he encounters is that farmers have no other way of making money. Many of them point out that Britain, and most of Europe, has been totally deforested for farming, and now we complain about developing countries doing the exact same thing.
• #10
@user800813590210 and @winnifred0001
I don't even know where to start, you have a logic of someone who would vote for Brexit.
• #11
Absolutely. Trying to do that as much as possible. Don't remember last time I had to go buy some palm oil to add to the home baking.
• #12
@user800813590210 and @winnifred0001
Dunno if any of them voted for Brexit but what's wrong with winnifreds post, they're just telling a "I met someone who..." story? I can't really understand why there has to be palm oil in every f*cking product everywhere either, I've never used it for anything I've cooked or baked as far as I know, but surely it's a complex issue?
• #13
Deforestation happened before and people learned it the hard way, they don't want for it to happen again, anywhere else in the world.
Anyway, I just wanted to see if there are palm oil free biscuits out there.
• #14
McVities Rich Tea apparently. Not a great biscuit though. And hobnobs according to some.
I used to make my own digestives. They were pretty good. I make my own nutella too, no palm oil! #boastpost
• #15
Not a great biscuit though.
• #16
Sorry, they're just not substantial enough for me.
• #17
Actually I haven't had them for years but when I was a kid they were my favourite. My dad always had some in a box in his office, to have with afternoon coffee. Maybe I'll get some today, I'm going up to see him...
• #18
The palm oil biz comes out of the late 1960s and 1970s obsession with overpopulation - a lot of white scientists in the west were supremely and overly concerned that people in the global south were going to eat all of the food that was being grown. You can see this reflected in stuff like Solyent Green. Anyway, a lot of people in the agribusiness field got together and made this solution which involved using third world countries in a way that they were familiar with (massive slave-run plantations) to make stuff that could be easily processed and stuffed into the new mechanised food production that was happening across the west (and put into things that were sold as ‘exceedingly good cakes’).
At this point the levels of farming and employment are so high, and the western dependence on this policies so deep, you would have to make several long term changes in the way that the countries involved in these changes work. Weirdly, one of the best ways of enacting this change is campaigning for female education and reproductive medicine access, as without a steady stream of people forced into menial wages by growing families it’s impossible for most these sorts of plantations to continue. They have to start paying better wages. One of the worst ways is to stop buying things in Sainsburys, because it’s an ineffectual way of registering your dissatisfaction with mechanised food production and unbalanced global trade, of which palm oil is merely a noticeable ingredient.
Really, it’s ok to be confused about this stuff. It’s ok if you want to think of me as a thick cunt for what seems like a few lines. The answers, as far as I’ve worked out from talking to humanitarians, permaculturists, and the like, is that the west generally has to use less and let the developing countries use more. This seems as likely as nuanced conversations on the internet.
• #19
You mind clarifying on that view? I don't think you're as dense to make such a sweeping statement as that here without having a point.
edit: I see now
• #21
I'm with JB.
I'd just look for products marked with 'sustainable palm oil' - Oh and eat fewer biscuits.
• #22
I was commenting on his first post because you can see why, but he posted a new one before mine.
• #23
Yeah, I realise that. Just funny. (At first I obvs thought you were replying to the second post and taking the piss)
• #24
I don't even know where to start, you have a logic of someone who would vote for Brexit.
You have the logic of someone who would vote for anything without reading it properly
So you want to stop deforestation. You need to communicate with the people whose livelihoods depend on the land, in countries like Brazil where the economy has tanked. Someone I know is actually out there trying to do this. And your argument is "you would probably vote for Brexit".
• #25
FWIW, cutting out cheap beef and other meats, and encouraging others to do the same, is important as cattle grazing is equally to blame for deforestation and livestock have the added impact of the greenhouse gas methane.
Every time I go to the shop and want to buy something sweet I need to inspect all packaging to find palm oil free product. I already went through all of them in my local Sainsburys and Tesco and the only one that don't have it is the own brand shortbread. I'm getting bored of it. Please post your favourite ones.
Why I don't like palm oil?
(not sure if sustainable palm oil is the answer)