Treated myself to an Edge 1030 using the eBay code, so good saving there.
On the Hargroves front, I've heard nothing from them but they appear to have given me only a partial refund. I assume that, without asking me whether this is what I want, they've decided to send me just one of the three items I ordered and refund the rest. They might be a nice company, and I appreciate that mistakes can and do happen, but they're making a right royal fuck up of this.
Treated myself to an Edge 1030 using the eBay code, so good saving there.
On the Hargroves front, I've heard nothing from them but they appear to have given me only a partial refund. I assume that, without asking me whether this is what I want, they've decided to send me just one of the three items I ordered and refund the rest. They might be a nice company, and I appreciate that mistakes can and do happen, but they're making a right royal fuck up of this.