Afternoon. So I've got a slight issue. I need a set of cork or suitably soft pads to fit a set of Chorus monoplaner holders. The old style with the wheel guides.
I've got some old Corima ones but they're very worn. It's for a Juna disc.
I don't really want to have to fit a modern holder with say Swisstop yellows but I may have to.
I just wondered if there was a product out there suitable?
Afternoon. So I've got a slight issue. I need a set of cork or suitably soft pads to fit a set of Chorus monoplaner holders. The old style with the wheel guides.
I've got some old Corima ones but they're very worn. It's for a Juna disc.
I don't really want to have to fit a modern holder with say Swisstop yellows but I may have to.
I just wondered if there was a product out there suitable?