Next time I'm going to score and tie myself. The crackling was fantastic only in parts, as the scoring was a bit lazy and didn't get through the skin for some bits. 3.2 kg + 30mins at 220 followed by 3.15 at 160, I could drop the temp or timing by a bit I think. Fucking delicious though and leftovers were almost better. #porchettawatch2018
Got a recipe for the bone marrow macaroni? Looks amazing.
Next time I'm going to score and tie myself. The crackling was fantastic only in parts, as the scoring was a bit lazy and didn't get through the skin for some bits. 3.2 kg + 30mins at 220 followed by 3.15 at 160, I could drop the temp or timing by a bit I think. Fucking delicious though and leftovers were almost better.
Got a recipe for the bone marrow macaroni? Looks amazing.