Looking good for a start, just keep going.
Shoot a lot. Always have a camera on you, ideally in your hand.
Learn how to use the thing so you don't waste time fiddling around.
Use a simple camera for starters, in general keep it simple.
Like stick to one kind of film for a few months.
The grass is always fucking greener on the other side and that's very true with photography.
Fuck it. Get film you can afford and that you like for whatever reason and just shoot.
Don't believe the hype.
Shoot what interests you and keep going, from time to time take a break and look at your stuff.
Get a grip on what you think your good shots are - and why.
Fuck what everybody and their mother is doing, instead use your gut and do your thing.
Remember only amateurs bitch about equipment, the advanced shooters worry about what's in the fucking picture, and the pros worry about the light.
Oh, and get fucking closer.
Have fun!
: ]
Thought it would be worthwhile to use all the experience on this thread for any feedback I can get in regards to my photo's . Think I need to work on my composition a bit more? If anyone could give me any tips It would be greatly appreciated....all feedback welcome
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