Why Hive over nest, seeing as all you have google homes, surely nest plays better with those?
The prior owners had Hive and a lot of stuff was still installed. Seemed silly to replace an already working system.
Any reason not to just use the chromecast for plex client over the nvidia? I personally ditched chromecast for plex client as it doesn't have a standalone remote, currently using a amazon fire to do the job
I want my Plex client to be using the cabled network, I dare to stream 4K movies and FLAC files.
I was going to ask you about smart switches (like den) over smart bulbs but if you are avoid start ups I guess that rules them out...
Zigbee is reliable, smart switches not so much. I also have a good awareness of the security landscape of a lot of these things and I simply do not trust small company new entrants into this.
@Velocio A few questions for you!