You can spin it any way you want, but in reality you were *over*taken, because he was faster than you, and he showed you. :)
But yes, it is annoying. It doesn't happen to me very often--I think I've only had it two or three times so far. To my surprise, one of the undertakers took it really well recently when I explained to him why it was not a good idea, and we kept chatting all the way along the contraflow bus lane in Bloomsbury Way and New Oxford Street.
Rolling along the middle of an empty bus lane, and empty lane to my right and some douche on a road bike undertakes me. I catch him at the next lights and ask him not to undertake and he blamed me for being in the middle of the lane and said it didn't matter before putting his headphones back it, but not before I told he was a shit cyclist
Honestly I hate being undertaken, it always comes as a surprise and makes me jump, why do it when there is a shit load of space to my right?