Oh alright, I thought 1mm would about cover it. To be clear, this is 2mm per side, so +4mm when calculating the ERD, right? I'm using Light Bicycle rims, they say 510mm ("not including nipple head dimension", which matches what some other people have said), +4mm for the nipples then, +1.4mm for the washers = 515.4mm ERD.
In that case the DT Swiss calculators gives me 227mm ("226mm recommended") and 244mm ("243mm recommended"), when using the Standard brass 14mm nipples.
Oh alright, I thought 1mm would about cover it. To be clear, this is 2mm per side, so +4mm when calculating the ERD, right? I'm using Light Bicycle rims, they say 510mm ("not including nipple head dimension", which matches what some other people have said), +4mm for the nipples then, +1.4mm for the washers = 515.4mm ERD.
In that case the DT Swiss calculators gives me 227mm ("226mm recommended") and 244mm ("243mm recommended"), when using the Standard brass 14mm nipples.