i've just bought a used set of mixed di2 parts. basically everything is 6870 except the rd, which is the new rx one. i've connected all the wires to test it out before i route it in the bike and the spare 6870 rd shifts like normal but when i connect the rx one it doesn't do anything. i've skimmed the dealer's manual and didn't see anything. trying to actuate the rd seems to be turning on a green light on junction-a. any ideas what to do?
i've just bought a used set of mixed di2 parts. basically everything is 6870 except the rd, which is the new rx one. i've connected all the wires to test it out before i route it in the bike and the spare 6870 rd shifts like normal but when i connect the rx one it doesn't do anything. i've skimmed the dealer's manual and didn't see anything. trying to actuate the rd seems to be turning on a green light on junction-a. any ideas what to do?