Since we started talking about the complete opposite, and I had a lot of time while waiting for complex SQL queries to run, I started playing the what can I buy for X game.
Settling on a 30k budget, and the criteria being an unnecessarily fast estate between 3 and 5 years old, it seems like the best option is actually a used E63 if you're willing to go 5 years old, C63 if you want to stay 3 years old. You could get an F31 340i M Sport (3 year old 3 series estate with the new 3.0 turbo 6cyl engine). With Audi, a 5 year old S4 Avant can be had for just half the budget.
How is one supposed to afford a 30k used car? What sort of payment options are available?
Since we started talking about the complete opposite, and I had a lot of time while waiting for complex SQL queries to run, I started playing the what can I buy for X game.
Settling on a 30k budget, and the criteria being an unnecessarily fast estate between 3 and 5 years old, it seems like the best option is actually a used E63 if you're willing to go 5 years old, C63 if you want to stay 3 years old. You could get an F31 340i M Sport (3 year old 3 series estate with the new 3.0 turbo 6cyl engine). With Audi, a 5 year old S4 Avant can be had for just half the budget.
How is one supposed to afford a 30k used car? What sort of payment options are available?