The channel ran for something like 3 years just posting videos of how to say random words, had hundreds of videos. Occasionally there would be some weird stuff in some of them, like this one:
Teaching you how to say "something terrible happened on may 10th". The weirdness slowly built up over like 2 years with loads of crazy hidden stuff like a noise in one video that if you ran it through a spectrograph it showed a picture of something. Then a countdown started saying "something will happen in 77 days", with a line from a story or something added to each countdown day. I think part of it read in iambic pentameter if you rearranged it in a certain way IIRC.Anyway it was properly weird and cool then it was revealed to be part of some dumb game called bear sterns bravo that had a really goofy style that was totally different to the buildup and everyone was disappointed.
I did a quick search to see if there's a site that explains all the cool parts of it since there's a ton that I've forgotten but it doesn't look like there is. It's pretty hard to explain the depth of it and how cool it was at the time.
Damn, 5 years since the pronunciation book thing ended. It was so underwhelming for such a long and crazy buildup.