I'm currently after the same, actually came here to ask similar advice. but would also like to be able to DAB without having to connect computer/phone. Was lookinga this as it has USB input also for decent quality sound. Looked at the DAC route as Farid suggested, but think it limits options.
I've been out of the hifi game for a few years now though, as I've been more than content since I last dropped a considerable amount on home hifi a few years back, so could be way off the mark.
Could use some advice from the hivemind.
I'd like some decent speakers to plug into my PC. I've had a variety of shitty PC speakers over the years and I want something with the warmth and good sound I get out of my Sony headset. I've been looking at Edifier as a potential option but I have no idea what else is out there. What should I be looking for? Active amplification? Monitor speakers? Any help appreciated.