Currently unrideable. It has no cranks (they were sold with my BTwin) and the derailleur has too much play causing the gears to skip under load. New cranks will be sourced from Mystery Bike No. 1 (see below) or I'll use those polished Shimano ones from up the thread. The derailleur has play because the hanger bolt has a little collar that is just slightly proud of the surrounding bit, which is the part that tightens down to remove the play. Need either a really big washer or to file a bit off the bolt. Or I'll nick one off Mystery Bike No. 1.
This is clearer in a picture:
You can see the shoulder of the bolt protrudes further than the surrounding plastic collar thing.
It will get a disc front wheel:
That's a 1" threaded disc fork! The threads need extending though so I'll have to take it to a shop for that. I'll talk to the guys there about getting a disc brazed on to the rear as well...
I found a spare 26" disc wheel at home so that will do for now, but eventually it will also get an ultra-budget dynamo setup if/when I save up the cash, as I'm sick of dealing with my USB lights that constantly go flat.
Sadly that means that I will no longer be using the Maguras 😢 I love them though, so I'll find another use for them. I will be using the brakes off Mystery Bike No. 1.
Currently unrideable. It has no cranks (they were sold with my BTwin) and the derailleur has too much play causing the gears to skip under load. New cranks will be sourced from Mystery Bike No. 1 (see below) or I'll use those polished Shimano ones from up the thread. The derailleur has play because the hanger bolt has a little collar that is just slightly proud of the surrounding bit, which is the part that tightens down to remove the play. Need either a really big washer or to file a bit off the bolt. Or I'll nick one off Mystery Bike No. 1.
This is clearer in a picture:
You can see the shoulder of the bolt protrudes further than the surrounding plastic collar thing.
It will get a disc front wheel:
That's a 1" threaded disc fork! The threads need extending though so I'll have to take it to a shop for that. I'll talk to the guys there about getting a disc brazed on to the rear as well...
I found a spare 26" disc wheel at home so that will do for now, but eventually it will also get an ultra-budget dynamo setup if/when I save up the cash, as I'm sick of dealing with my USB lights that constantly go flat.
Sadly that means that I will no longer be using the Maguras 😢 I love them though, so I'll find another use for them. I will be using the brakes off Mystery Bike No. 1.