• Sam Gimyah


    I don't think anyone will resign who could damage Theresa May. What's going on at the moment is just theatre in preparation for the vote on the deal. I think May will get that through Parliament and the theatre is designed to make her 'success' seem all the greater.

    As ever, I really hope I'm completely and utterly wrong.

  • Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity, bruv.

    Tory MPs - and all MPs, but especially tories - are egotistical shits that think they are amazing. There’s no theatre here, these are people who think they are super duper special and that everyone should listen to them. A lot of the work of civil servants is just patting MPs on the head and telling them how great they are, which is why they were so totally shocked when brexit actually turned out to be, y’know, hard work
