The old HDD had Lubuntu - originally chosen because the laptop was old. It's fine, and ran well, but it's a bit dated. I was hoping with a new SSD and 8GB RAM (previously 3GB) I would be able to happily run a nicer OS.
A quick look online seemed like an Ubuntu OS cloan would be harder than Windows cloan and most of the online guides are for Windows clowning. Plus installing a new OS didn't seem that hard.
Legacy/uefi bios mismatch
That's the answer I keep getting from the Ubuntu forum, but I've tried both installations, then also running with the bios settings matches and mismatched.
The old HDD had Lubuntu - originally chosen because the laptop was old. It's fine, and ran well, but it's a bit dated. I was hoping with a new SSD and 8GB RAM (previously 3GB) I would be able to happily run a nicer OS.
A quick look online seemed like an Ubuntu OS cloan would be harder than Windows cloan and most of the online guides are for Windows clowning. Plus installing a new OS didn't seem that hard.
That's the answer I keep getting from the Ubuntu forum, but I've tried both installations, then also running with the bios settings matches and mismatched.