The old HDD had Lubuntu - originally chosen because the laptop was old. It's fine, and ran well, but it's a bit dated. I was hoping with a new SSD and 8GB RAM (previously 3GB) I would be able to happily run a nicer OS.
A quick look online seemed like an Ubuntu OS cloan would be harder than Windows cloan and most of the online guides are for Windows clowning. Plus installing a new OS didn't seem that hard.
Legacy/uefi bios mismatch
That's the answer I keep getting from the Ubuntu forum, but I've tried both installations, then also running with the bios settings matches and mismatched.
Why don't you clone your old HDD with whatever OS was on it (it worked with the hardware, right?) onto the new SSD?
Maybe you have mentioned all this upthread but I'm not sure what the problem actually is you're having.
HDD with Lubuntu worked fine, (I assume) you wanted a speed upgrade so swapped new SSD for old HDD, and now computer won't accept this as a device to boot from?
Perhaps the SSD is faulty?
Your other half's Win installation will not work on the other laptop, for various reasons.