I've got a spare one which has some sort of issue inside that prevents a 12mm axle going through. Chances are it could be filed down. Alternatively it'll be fine for a QR.
Doubt it's much use but thought I'd offer it before it goes into the "useless but maybe useful one day" spares bag.
As I said, free, but shove a few quid into a collection box of your choice to cover postage please...
I've got a spare one which has some sort of issue inside that prevents a 12mm axle going through. Chances are it could be filed down. Alternatively it'll be fine for a QR.
Doubt it's much use but thought I'd offer it before it goes into the "useless but maybe useful one day" spares bag.
As I said, free, but shove a few quid into a collection box of your choice to cover postage please...