I'd like it to! In previous years people have clambered for a weekend date, but I've been averse because I always thought traffic in central was worse later into the evening. Maybe people can post thoughts here or in a new thread.
Either way happy to lead, I suggest either Tuesday the 18th of December or Saturday the 15th of December. Thoughts?
Congratulations! You got (are getting?) married! Hooray!
Unfortunately next week is BAD for me, every evening is full of non-negotiable responsibilities. I could maybe do the 11th, but then really you should be at home packing with YOUR WIFE
I'd like it to! In previous years people have clambered for a weekend date, but I've been averse because I always thought traffic in central was worse later into the evening. Maybe people can post thoughts here or in a new thread.
Either way happy to lead, I suggest either Tuesday the 18th of December or Saturday the 15th of December. Thoughts?