@Scott_Fear as soon as you realise no one will ever pay £450 for a used caad 10 frame the better. Track ends dont add as much value as you clearly think.
Someone might give you £300 for it. Doubt you'd get more. £300 in your pocket now, or keep trying to sell it on ebay for £450. In 6 months time it still wont have sold and you'll be wishing you priced it fairly.
Being cunty on this forum rarely leads to a quick sale.
P.S. its a fucking horrible colour. Totally offensive to the eyes.
@Scott_Fear as soon as you realise no one will ever pay £450 for a used caad 10 frame the better. Track ends dont add as much value as you clearly think.
Someone might give you £300 for it. Doubt you'd get more. £300 in your pocket now, or keep trying to sell it on ebay for £450. In 6 months time it still wont have sold and you'll be wishing you priced it fairly.
Being cunty on this forum rarely leads to a quick sale.
P.S. its a fucking horrible colour. Totally offensive to the eyes.