Welp, after a couple of hours of tinking, I've determined the Sugino AT cranks aren't going to work for this bike:
For a 24t granny to clear the non-dimpled stays (seriously?), you'd need a 130.5 BB. I'd attempted to mount a 127x73 in conjunction with spacers, and while I was successful in getting the granny gear to clear the stay, it pulled the NDS crank arm it too close for comfort. Luckily I had a set of 110/74 Shimano cranks laying around.
Maybe I'll find something nice while working on the rest of the bike...
Welp, after a couple of hours of tinking, I've determined the Sugino AT cranks aren't going to work for this bike:
For a 24t granny to clear the non-dimpled stays (seriously?), you'd need a 130.5 BB. I'd attempted to mount a 127x73 in conjunction with spacers, and while I was successful in getting the granny gear to clear the stay, it pulled the NDS crank arm it too close for comfort. Luckily I had a set of 110/74 Shimano cranks laying around.
Maybe I'll find something nice while working on the rest of the bike...