If you're in a lot of pain I'd suggest going to see an osteo or chiro with a specialism in soft tissue. They'll be able to diagnose and give you a suggested treatment plan. You'll be better off doing this as your healing will be quicker with fewer compensation problems. A sports massage therapist won't be able to help at this stage unless you have a diagnosis.
It will be worth the outlay. PM me if you want a recommendation.
Thanks. Chiro with mri is my next step if physio doesn’t work. Good tip on the soft tissue specialisation. It doesn’t feel like my spine so that’s good but I am no expert.
If you're in a lot of pain I'd suggest going to see an osteo or chiro with a specialism in soft tissue. They'll be able to diagnose and give you a suggested treatment plan. You'll be better off doing this as your healing will be quicker with fewer compensation problems. A sports massage therapist won't be able to help at this stage unless you have a diagnosis.
It will be worth the outlay. PM me if you want a recommendation.