I saw a eurogamer stream for it yesterday and it looked like total shit.
Drab and outdated engine
No combat ai
Bugs everywhere you look
Unsatisfying weapons (feel like pea shooters)
Confusing menus and systems
Broken or unclear quests
Tiny payouts from quests so microtransactions required to buy almost anythingThe one element that was supposed to set it apart (other human players) seems to be something that no one is actually doing. There's so little incentive to interact in game that people are treating it as another single player game with randoms occasionally wandering past.
Just seems like a bunch of spare parts from the cutting room floor thrown together for some £. And on that point, they did mention that the only part that worked absolutely flawlessly everytime was the store...
Given FO4 was such a hot pile of shit, I'll be giving this a super large miss.
I am really enjoying Fallout 76, what different beside the obvious is that you having no voice mean you're not playing as someone else, you're playing as you.
Remember all the awesome side questes in the previous Fallout? the majority of them tend to be holotape-specific (and mainly unmarked such as the Vault 11 unmarked quest) .
I most especially welcome the weapon degradation, and needing water/food to survived, my only dislike is simply the lack of human NPC which kinda spoil it a bit, but then, it is only 25 years after the bomb fell.
Some nice little gags.