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  • we have some weird, localised damp spot popping up in the house. nothing too onerous (i hope) but doesn't look too hot against the white paint. what's the hive mind opinion on getting this looked at with a view to identifying the source without being sold 20 000 notes worth of DCP?

  • we have some weird, localised damp spot popping up in the house. nothing too onerous (i hope) but doesn't look too hot against the white paint. what's the hive mind opinion on getting this looked at with a view to identifying the source without being sold 20 000 notes worth of DCP?

    External walls?

  • Depends where it is.

    New house and new paint means some fucker knew there was a problem and opted to cover it up...

    Injected DPCs are 90% of the time a complete waste of time.


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