• Just chewed through a bunch of fiction, including the Stross book named above (the first four are the best, but it’s surprisingly readable for a series on its 9th instalment) and the surprise fourth book to Dave Hutchinson’s Europe series. Have decided to slow this down by reading some non-fiction about Chernobyl (by serhii plokhy) which is pretty excellent. Not sure if I’ll finish it but it’s keeping me distracted

  • Just read the last Hutchinson. I loved the first two,the third and in particular this one were weaker I thought, the plot became incomprehensible unfortunately.

    Europe in Autumn and Europe in Winter are the most original and interesting SF books in recent years however.

    I was very disappointed by the Chernobyl book, after the excellent reviews. I don't think reading it in translation helped but I thought it was weak on the science and far too heavy on interminable Soviet politics
