Reaching it means not ignoring those who voted to remain and build a consensus...eg Norway which have delivered on the referendum but would have maintained the SM and CU and FOM and prevented a hard border in Ireland and given certainty to everyone....What could she have done differently? Not bung in A50 without thinking of what the UK wants? Ridiculous rhetoric...Brexit means Brexit, Not calling a GE in 2017, Red Lines that put her on a collision course with the EU and the antagonising the EU by trying to negotiate behind Barnier's back...appointing Johnson and Davis etc etc...apart from that nothing.
Reaching it means not ignoring those who voted to remain and build a consensus
My wife and I had a disagreement. She wanted to get a cat and I didn't... so we compromised and got a cat.
It's an old joke, but it does mirror the situation quite nicely. How on Earth are you meant to build a consensus when the population is split more or less 50-50 on the fundamental action point of the referendum? And that's not even taking into account the fundamental split in the Brexiteur camp. I think Theresa May has done a lot of stupid shit, but I don't think she should ultimately be held accountable for failing to deliver on other people's idiotic promises.
Honestly, "reaching out" etc., that's just words, and it couldn't have ever been more than words. This is one of those situations in which there simply is not any kind of compromise that will make both sides even remotely happy. I am not very sympathetic to any Tory, but I honestly don't see what she could have done differently that would have improved things overall. Bar of course trying to stop this entire catastrophe, but I doubt they would have let her anyway.