just in case it's useful here's a quick before and after from my van using a pink noise generator, an uncalibrated mic, my ears and parametric EQ profiling. Before I got to this stage I spend some time tuning the crossover points and of course it's had a lot of sound deadening fitted. In this example I was fixing the dead spots at 300hz and 1khz as well as rolling off the peaks at 150hz and 2khz. I've since reshaped this profile to reduce the bass peak at ~50Hz, but you get the idea...
The resultant difference in listening experience was, as you can imagine, literally incredible.
just in case it's useful here's a quick before and after from my van using a pink noise generator, an uncalibrated mic, my ears and parametric EQ profiling. Before I got to this stage I spend some time tuning the crossover points and of course it's had a lot of sound deadening fitted. In this example I was fixing the dead spots at 300hz and 1khz as well as rolling off the peaks at 150hz and 2khz. I've since reshaped this profile to reduce the bass peak at ~50Hz, but you get the idea...
The resultant difference in listening experience was, as you can imagine, literally incredible.
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