JRM and BoJo are going to wet themselves at the prospects of being able to say 'vassal state' in portentious tones over and over again.
When Bojo, Davies, Fox etc were running the game for almost 2 years they negotiated nothing, got nowhere. Since then May has accepted the bleeding obvious that we need much more time to agree a working Brexit. She has been forced to negotiate a temporary status quo minus deal. All the rules and processes are the same except Britain no longer has a voice in setting the rules. JRM's letter ignores the temporary nature of the proposals, is he stupid or is he shit stirring?
When Bojo, Davies, Fox etc were running the game for almost 2 years they negotiated nothing, got nowhere. Since then May has accepted the bleeding obvious that we need much more time to agree a working Brexit. She has been forced to negotiate a temporary status quo minus deal. All the rules and processes are the same except Britain no longer has a voice in setting the rules. JRM's letter ignores the temporary nature of the proposals, is he stupid or is he shit stirring?