Are you arguing just for the sake of arguing, or do you really believe that countries/cities should offer huge tax incentives to the largest, most profitable countries in the world so that they will relocate there.
I mean, Amazon is literally owned by the richest man in the world. They already pay next to no tax. They should not be given even more tax breaks.
No, I'm not.
Yes, I do think that where there is autonomy countries/cities should be able to manage their affairs to encourage businesses to locate there when their cost/benefit analysis shows a net benefit.
In relation to the tax paid by Amazon - of course, it is ridiculous that the world hasn't updated their tax treatment of tech companies. Yes, their HR practices show them and Bezos up as cunts. We can only hope that at some point he has a Gates-style moment of clarity and puts his money to proper use - rather than just the PR bullshit over the last year or so... what was the breakdown on that Dreamers college donation... something equivalent to a $100k p/a earner donating $230?
@Dammit - it would be really interesting to see numbers on the gains from becoming a tax haven Vs. the total EU grants received.
Which is great if you're a developed country like France, with a range of industries, infrastructure and multinationals. But if you're a county like a pre-'90s ROI it sucks balls.