I've got the Sage Barista and it's pretty faff free.
Grinder as part of the machine. And it's a decent one from what I've read.
Grind size and quantity are just a dial each, and the steam wand is a dial on the other side. Tamper held inside by magic (magnets). Pretty much just turn on, wait a short while and press a button. Monthly descale and clean, but you'd get that with a bean to cup too with London water I expect.Got mine from this lot
Always the way with this sort of thing :(! I've really done it on a budget, I have a delonghi Dedica and Ascoso i2 grinder (took a hell of a lot of trawling to get those) that cost around £110 for that second hand, I've since spent another £40 on tamper, non pressurised filter basket, steam wand (to replace the panarello wand) and various other bits, still tinkering to get a decent cup of coffee out of it, not to mention the faff and clean up lol! I love a tinker so not bothered right now and I'm sure I'll get there but that is the trade off on that kind of budget!
Ooh, still need to get a knock box as well, so if anyone is selling one cheap cheap, let me know!