• #10427
Stil rong tho ain't yaz
• #10428
Have you never cried with laughter or spat coffee out?
Almost got one of the guys to do that last week. It was soft drink though, not coffee. Soz. -
• #10429
purse, eh?
• #10430
Literally thinking is fine right? Different to thinking her head would literally explode.
But see also:
http://uk.businessinsider.com/literally-grammar-english-language-tips-2018-4?r=US&IR=T -
• #10431
Is it one better than Superbowl?
• #10432
Explaining to someone that you were a hit by a car and the first thing they say is some shit about cyclists running red lights.
• #10433
Not having enough quicklime to dissolve their bodies.
• #10434
Hose-pipe ban = use of hose-pipes is banned.
Hose ban = trousers are banned.
Pipe ban = a certain type of tobacco smoking (or weed, if you are a rebel) is banned.
• #10435
What's that about superb owls?
• #10436
Hose-pipe ban = use of hose-pipes is banned.
Didn't you get the memo? That's not true. Wait, now it's hyphenated too? Now what's going on?!
#hippyizalwazerite for the hosepipeumbrellafellas
• #10437
All owls are superb.
• #10438
Firefox memory leaks.
• #10439
Didn't you get the memo? That's not true. Wait, now it's hyphenated too? Now what's going on?!
#hippyizalwazerite for the hosepipeumbrellafellas
The memo was fake news.
The reason for hose-pipe is the same as for motor-car, it's to correctly define what is being discussed.
"Hose" on it's own could refer to clothing, and indeed your etymological research showed the likely source of hose-pipe as referring to a tightly woven fabric cylinder for transmitting water from place to place.
• #10440
For e.g. this is a car:
As is this:
• #10441
As is this:
• #10442
We've been through this.
I won. The bodies were cleared away already.
• #10443
I know your game, you are trying to ban trousers through a linguistic stunt.
• #10444
• #10445
underpants ✓
overpants ?
• #10446
pantyhose ?
• #10447
• #10448
Are underpants called underpants because they go under your pants or are they themselves the pants and they just go under other clothing ie trousers?
• #10449
Under where ?
• #10450
IIRC it's because they go under your pantaloons (i.e. trousers).
Haha, totally. I keep getting “nominated” too. Impacted how exactly? My approach to cinematography? I work in construction ffs.!I don’t care which films I used to like and I really don’t think you will either.