copy of a carbon 3T zero25 seatpost?
Toseek is to find, if this is a close enough approximation
https://m.aliexpress.com/item/32822307003.htmlI actually prefer this clamp design, but it's less 3T-like
Ordered the 5 degree Toseek seatpost in the second link, asked for no branding and they said yes, happy with that! https://www.aliexpress.com/snapshot/0.html?spm=a2g0s.9042647.0.0.59034c4dSdL94t&orderId=96291438123132&productId=32875665589
Will report back when it arrives.
Has anyone seen a copy of a carbon 3T zero25 seatpost? My searching for likely ways to describe it without brand names brings up nothing.