• To the guy on the black Genesis with gold PDW sparrow cages at the top of Stamford Hill yesterday morning.

    I rode up the hill where you were already waiting at the lights at the top. The lights changed and we both set off through the short but tricky 3ish-lane section where the kerb then pops out to force you into the traffic. I stayed behind you so as not to put either of us in a difficult situation, patiently waiting to pass you when conditions were clear. It will have been clear to you shortly after our encounter that sitting on your wheel would have offered me no benefit.

    Your rig looked nicely thought out so I mistook your for a rider who had reached cycling maturity. However, when you looked over your shoulder and saw me you then brake checked me. Then you elaborately gestured that I should pass you. I did so with a (forced) friendly good morning as I don't really like confrontation. However, having given it some thought I am now venting my annoyance here.

    Buck up your ideas sunshine, we're all only trying to get to work.

  • Anyone who does a brake check is prime candidate for a d-lock around the head. It’s a cunt’s trick and should be treated as such.


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