I wonder if something like a Maschine Mk3 and an SM58 would be useful? It's an instrument (so it opens up Ableton) and it's an audio interface and vocals so your boy gets the ability to record external sources, but its a controller too, and it comes with a whole suite of really nice instruments and effects which sound (out of the box) much better than Ableton.
I know MAschine has problems but if you're looking to expand what he can already do with Ableton, and if what he's trying to do is more post-everything chillout, I don't think an external acid / groovebox is necessarily going to add much to that - I think you're better off giving him more inputs to his existing setup.
Sorry I can’t help, hopefully someone will reply.
Question for you and everybody really, my 14yr old’s been using Live for a few months, the only hardware is a keyboard which seems to be just for lining chords up, he seldom seems to really compose on it. Most of his stuff is very layered, mushy builds of synthy things, pretty much Ibiza Chill Out filler, some moments of quirk & clarity pop up now and again.
Trying to find a crimbo pressie that could open up some new pastures, hardware or software. Any suggestions? Happy to consider Logic X as he seems to like exploring different programmes. /20th century old man terminology klaxon
I have this idea I should buy him an acid box, his mum’s just found the ROLI thing but it just looks like a keyboard replacement to me, I’m sceptical it wouldn’t be a waste of cash.