Bleurgh. Well. This is attempt 3 of 4. Somehow my measurements didn’t hold up after adding a seam allowance, probably I doubled up by accident on that headtube bit. It is pretty snug but not clean and perfect.
Next I tried to make one with foam lining to hold shape better and I must say it came out awful. Lessons learned, but an afternoon to do so.
Might try this one out and see how serviceable it is.
Next version will skip the tight corners and have as rounded corners as possible, to aid sewing and fitting.
Bleurgh. Well. This is attempt 3 of 4. Somehow my measurements didn’t hold up after adding a seam allowance, probably I doubled up by accident on that headtube bit. It is pretty snug but not clean and perfect.
Next I tried to make one with foam lining to hold shape better and I must say it came out awful. Lessons learned, but an afternoon to do so.
Might try this one out and see how serviceable it is.
Next version will skip the tight corners and have as rounded corners as possible, to aid sewing and fitting.
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