I've just been replacing an old light fitting with an LED equivalent. It was cheaper than trying to replace the parts that I'd broken when i was trying to change the old bulb.
I got a bit confused by the wires when it came to wiring in the new fixture, but thanks to @hugo7 and @Airhead just a few posts back, I'm about 90% sure I got it right.
Anyway the weird this was this; the light was switched off at the wall, and I thought I'd also isolated it by flipping the breaker, but it turns out I hadn't and my multimeter is fucked.
I screwed in the earth wire, then the neutral wire, then the line wire. Then I tugged them to make sure they were all firmly attached and the neutral wire fell out. The LED lights became slightly illuminated at this point. Is that something I should be worried about? Putting the neutral wire back in made the LEDs dark again, and the light seems to work fine after that.
Neutral is tied to earth in the building, so it’s possible it could still light without the neutral depending on how the Chinese have made these bulbs.
I've just been replacing an old light fitting with an LED equivalent. It was cheaper than trying to replace the parts that I'd broken when i was trying to change the old bulb.
I got a bit confused by the wires when it came to wiring in the new fixture, but thanks to @hugo7 and @Airhead just a few posts back, I'm about 90% sure I got it right.
Anyway the weird this was this; the light was switched off at the wall, and I thought I'd also isolated it by flipping the breaker, but it turns out I hadn't and my multimeter is fucked.
I screwed in the earth wire, then the neutral wire, then the line wire. Then I tugged them to make sure they were all firmly attached and the neutral wire fell out. The LED lights became slightly illuminated at this point. Is that something I should be worried about? Putting the neutral wire back in made the LEDs dark again, and the light seems to work fine after that.