So, doing my return for 2017-18, my self-employed income was only £400 as I was on PAYE for the main gig. There's a box that says "Was your self-employed income was £1000 or less, click yes or no".
Ticking "No" doesn't let me enter the 400 quid I billed and just skips to the end and says I only owe £8.
Yes. Appeared on my return for the first time this year. I think there's some new law allowing people with small trading operations on the side to have them disregarded for tax purposes.
So, doing my return for 2017-18, my self-employed income was only £400 as I was on PAYE for the main gig. There's a box that says "Was your self-employed income was £1000 or less, click yes or no".
Ticking "No" doesn't let me enter the 400 quid I billed and just skips to the end and says I only owe £8.
Is this new?