interesting point and I'm sorry to hear you that were mugged! i got an email back from the police after I asked how it came to this:
Just to explain why this case has reached court stages. it is because the driver was ineligible to do a course and then failed to fully comply with the Conditional Offer of Fixed Penalty by paying the fine and surrendering the licence, no licence was received to have the points endorsed. Therefore, due to the Conditional Offer of Fixed Penalty not being fully complied with, the last option we have is to send the file to court.
they seem like a bit of a daftpot to me so makes me wonder if they'd have the sense to make a guilty plea. time will tell! in the meantime i'll have my wedding / funeral / potential court suit dry cleaned... just in case.
turns out i won't have to go to court / wasn't called after all. they must have made a guilty plea. just received from met:
Dear pizzarat,
Please find below the court result for a traffic offence that was reported by yourself :
Date of Offence: 12/6/2018
Time of Offence: 18:35 hrs
Location: Powerscroft Road, E5
Result: £222 fine, 5 penalty points and £130 costs
On behalf of the Metropolitan Police Service, I would like to thank you for your assistance in this matter and for helping us to try to achieve our policing objectives of reducing the number of killed and seriously injured on London’s roads.
thank you.
i need to email them back with any important dates that mean i cannot attend court over the next 6 months, i'll ask if they can give me any more info on what has happened so far.