Well, I eventually took the bike to Cycles UK in Greenwich for a 'brighten and tighten' (love that phrase!), and here it is!
They fixed the mudguard, sorted out gears etc, but couldn't get the cranks off to regrease the bb, and apparently the headset only has the lower set of bearings (as the top half is plastic). Weird.
Also the hub has the date 12 78 etched into it. And most importantly it rides quite nicely!
Well, I eventually took the bike to Cycles UK in Greenwich for a 'brighten and tighten' (love that phrase!), and here it is!
They fixed the mudguard, sorted out gears etc, but couldn't get the cranks off to regrease the bb, and apparently the headset only has the lower set of bearings (as the top half is plastic). Weird.
Also the hub has the date 12 78 etched into it. And most importantly it rides quite nicely!