There's loads of body weight / park fitness stuff on youtube. Some of it's super impressive and probably only possible when you're 19 but worth a look. I switched over to quite a bit more bodyweight stuff and more simple compound lifts a while back and it seemed to make a difference. I've come to the conclusion it's easier not to put the shit in than try and work the shit off though and reduced what I was eating quite a bit. i'm probably the lightest, and strongest, I've been since I was about 20. I use the gym but at least 50% of it I could do in the park with somewhere to do pull-ups.
There's loads of body weight / park fitness stuff on youtube. Some of it's super impressive and probably only possible when you're 19 but worth a look. I switched over to quite a bit more bodyweight stuff and more simple compound lifts a while back and it seemed to make a difference. I've come to the conclusion it's easier not to put the shit in than try and work the shit off though and reduced what I was eating quite a bit. i'm probably the lightest, and strongest, I've been since I was about 20. I use the gym but at least 50% of it I could do in the park with somewhere to do pull-ups.