RDR2 Dev 1: I know, why don't we make it so you can only choose
weapons while you're on your horse for the realismz of only carrying a
normal amount of stuff.
RDR2 Dev 2: Fuck yeah, you know what would make it even better though,
let's make it so that every single time they get off their horse it
forgets what weapons they had selected before so they only have
handguns selected. even though they have to get on and off their horse
like 20 times a mission.
RDR2 Dev 1: Dude, sick! and let's make it so in a firefight the horse
runs away from them immediately after they dismount so if they get
ambushed they end up with fuck all weapons.
seriously though how does annoying shit like this get through playtesting?
edit: will add I'm loving the game but the annoying bits are even more frustrating when it seems like they're by design.
seriously though how does annoying shit like this get through playtesting?
edit: will add I'm loving the game but the annoying bits are even more frustrating when it seems like they're by design.