I've got a couple of rooms that aren't being used frequently at the moment so I was pondering setting the heating at different levels in them.
Trying to work out how much it will save in heating costs compared to the cost of fitting some kind of thermostatic valve but I'm struggling to find info on what the incremental cost of running one radiator (gas combi boiler, not electric) is when the heating is on. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I've got a couple of rooms that aren't being used frequently at the moment so I was pondering setting the heating at different levels in them.
Trying to work out how much it will save in heating costs compared to the cost of fitting some kind of thermostatic valve but I'm struggling to find info on what the incremental cost of running one radiator (gas combi boiler, not electric) is when the heating is on. Can anyone point me in the right direction?