Does anyone have any suggestions for a high asa, colour film that would be good for shooting the street photography?
Everything I can find is £10+ per roll.
That's a tricky one.
There's CineStill 800T, Portra 800 Fuji "Venus" 800 and Fuji Superia & Natura 1600 ..and they're all £10+.
And they all look pretty "rough" / grainy / colours get a bit weird.If I really wanted to shoot dark-ish street scenes on colour negative film I'd probably just shoot Kodak Portra 400 at 1600.
Google some examples / search on flickr.
To me, the results look more pleasing than the 800 or 1600 ISO films.
So for the moment, I've all but given up shooting film. I'm a little sad about it but I'm sure I will catch the bug again soon - I'm just fed up paying through the nose for film.
Does anyone have any suggestions for a high asa, colour film that would be good for shooting the street photography?
Everything I can find is £10+ per roll.