So for the moment, I've all but given up shooting film. I'm a little sad about it but I'm sure I will catch the bug again soon - I'm just fed up paying through the nose for film.
Does anyone have any suggestions for a high asa, colour film that would be good for shooting the street photography?
Lomography 800 is £15 for a box of three rolls. It’s re-badged Kodak similar to Gold/ Ultramax. Bit of a bargain really, though Lomography’s stock of it can be flakey. Best buy big when it’s in stock
Other than that you’re paying through the nose for Porta 800 or importing Fuji Venus
So for the moment, I've all but given up shooting film. I'm a little sad about it but I'm sure I will catch the bug again soon - I'm just fed up paying through the nose for film.
Does anyone have any suggestions for a high asa, colour film that would be good for shooting the street photography?
Everything I can find is £10+ per roll.