He doesn’t announce prices until the day they go on sale. However, the original 41mm cost £245 until they ran out.
So, for the new models add the cost of a sapphire crystal and extending clasp, a few quid for inflation, and I’d expect both to be in the low three hundreds. The 41mm goes on sale on Tues, so maybe take a few quid off that price for the 36mm. And yeah, everyone wants the 36mm.
He doesn’t announce prices until the day they go on sale. However, the original 41mm cost £245 until they ran out.
So, for the new models add the cost of a sapphire crystal and extending clasp, a few quid for inflation, and I’d expect both to be in the low three hundreds. The 41mm goes on sale on Tues, so maybe take a few quid off that price for the 36mm. And yeah, everyone wants the 36mm.