The product currently for sale was in development long before the sale to the Waltons. The "Explore" down products are an extension of the Brevet range, it's been around for years. The flip flops are stupid, but Rapha has always been a lifestyle brand and made lifestyle products (silk scarves, essentials cases, wallets, coffee mugs, bags, B&O headphones) some of which you may use, and others you may not see the point of. I haven't watched any content since watching the first 2 episodes of Race Radio, the latest content may well have some Walton influence as I imagine the marketing cycle is Jan-Dec.
Moan about direction, but don't blame the current state of affairs on the Waltons, you have the original Rapha management to credit that to. They sold a vision to the Waltons and the Waltons merely bought it.
With regard to Wiggle, if you'd made multiple rounds of global redundancies, closed down a whole department of your company and were having to close physical shops, more fool you if you didn't make a dramatic change to your business model. I hope it works out for them, and that they can find the thing that made them successful in the first place. People lose jobs if they can't work it out.
Is it just me or someone can agree that Rapha is loosing its status in cycling culture ?
Since Rapha was sold to Walton family. They just trying to tap in everywhere they possibly can. Wiggle/sleeping bag/flip-flops/that hideous last movie and so on.
Charging same money for an old story.
Quality is still there and pattern cutting is great but from marketing point not sure where they going.