It just seems you've done Thom a massive favour by allowing him to troll the thread into nonexistence
I tend not to do favours.
But the activity in this thread tell me that I was right to lock it and hide it. You lot seem more whipped up even than he was, and you lot were feeding him and giving him more attention than he deserved.
In time, when things have very obviously calmed down, I'll consider it not being hidden.
You've changed your tune on hosting offence/controversy since your post in the "Jews" thread where you seemed to embrace it as an inevitable and common fact of the internet... There's stuff in there that's just as bad as anything Thom's been pulled up on, even if it was in the wild west phase of the forum at the outset where people were going out their way to be shocking. I don't agree with the posts, or that it wasn't stamped on, but fair enough, free speech is what it is-it's there as a matter of record.
I understand the aliases are tiresome, but I think it was a positive thing to highlight Mamnick's wider views, and Thom's subsequent decision to come on and stir the pot is neither here nor there in terms of how the forum should be allowed to operate in terms of free speech; Rutland very well stands to reform their club culture as a result of this, and hopefully Sheffield Cycling too. If the thread's hidden and the grubby stuff isn't visible? Maybe not.
Your choice obviously, but yeah, don't see the consistency of what does and doesn't pass tbh.
I understand the troll-wrangling can get to be tiresome for you but surely that thread should be accessible to the public.
It just seems you've done Thom a massive favour by allowing him to troll the thread into nonexistence.