Seriously, can I ask why you're even bothering with all this? That battery's fucked. 12.11 is practically dead. Crank that bike and it'll suck the juice right out of it with more disappointing results.
@Jung is it a 'oh look, a mountain, let's go to it' case for riding out there?
@soul - Johnson Valley. Amazingly there was an 848 parked in the lot of the pub. He must have ridden down at least a mile of Sandy dirt road to get there. Puckering.
Chak, kind of - Johnson Valley is completely open riding and it's massive. Like size of a couple of counties massive. You can point and go but the terrain is very varied - from dunes to extremely sharp lava / Rock sections. The main problem is running into something you can't get back out.
I got stuck for a bit in some seriously gnarly rock sections and turned around by a (wet) and super gloopy dry lake bed that I nearly sank up to the axles in!
I probably won't strat out quite as far next time if I'm on my own.
Oh and I hit a GPS clocked 70mph jump on one of the dirt roads back to where I staying. Total accident. Looked down at the GPS, looked up. Oh shit! Fortunately remembered to grip and stay on the gas - flew a bloody long way though. Lots of nervous laughter after that... :)
Sorry man. Only just saw this.
Unfortunately it was a strict schedule of DIY and I'm not going to be able to access the bike until at least next week.
Monitoring the battery and I can't help but think that was/is the issue. Apparently the EFI bonnie range require a 12.5v to crank the engine.
I forgot to take a measurement last night and this morning. But it's showing a slow loss.